Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Madness Lurks....On and Off The Court

It's here!

March Madness! What many people refer to as "Christmas in March"! Nah ahh, from now on it's just MARCH MADNESS and it's Christmas that will herein be referred to as "March Madness in December"!!!!

What a season of NCAA Basketball on and off the court. Alas, it can't go unmentioned with the off the court shenanigans of the NCAA. Here's the cole notes:

There was the North Carolina academic scandal where the UNC basketball team and pretty much the whole athletic department got off scott free as the UNC lawyers 'lawyered' the NCAA and the NCAA allowed UNC to 'lawyer' them. 

Then there's the FBI investigation where 4 NCAA assistant coaches were arrested for various violations involving fraud and bribery that also implicated representatives of shoe companies, agency, financial firms and AAU teams. What this exposed through the initial findings and charges was that there is an underground market where NCAA players are getting paid. This is another discussion that will be had throughout the tournament, but I will conclude this aspect of the discussion that upon recent reports of the findings of the FBI investigation that may take many more months, but likely years to come to trial, that one main suggestion of the FBI is that the findings may be too much for the NCAA and it's present system of rules. 

That is that there may be way too many violations that in order to get past this that the NCAA should just make what they say is illegal and make it legal. The FBI has said that although they are investigating federal crimes of bribery and fraud, that the other findings that may be NCAA violations are not crimes. 

There are many perceptions of the NCAA that are now becoming a reality that can now go beyond being water cooler discussions. The reality is that this perceived reality is what the NCAA has managed for decades. 

The first reality for the NCAA is that not only is 'amateurism' dead, is that this may very well prove that 'amateurism' never existed. Another misconception is that NCAA players don't get paid. Although there may not be any paychecks doled out to any top tier recruit, there are some that are indeed getting PAID! This FBI investigation is showing that there is a market for the services of NCAA Div 1 male basketball players. 

This market being exposed exposes the #1 perception of the NCAA: that the NCAA is making billions of dollars while the players that are the reason for this revenue get paid nothing. Well there is the full-ride scholarships that a Div 1 athlete can receive. That is alot to offer a student, but it is still pennies to the dollar that is the billion dollar revenue stream of the NCAA. Now there is this underground market of payments to top recruits that is being exposed. Although this may be alot of money, it is still pennies to the dollars that the NCAA makes in TV deals, corporate sponsorship etc. 

Again, much more of this will be discussed in more detail, but the conclusion of this initial take is that the most underrated perception of the NCAA is that of the corporate perception on the NCAA and the corporate structure of the NCAA. That is like the financial bailouts in the US back in 2008 showed, is the the NCAA perceives that like may other top corporations that it is too big to fail. 

They are correct in one aspect of that corporate notion. That throughout the many controversies off the court, we are just days away from the Madness.....days away from the absolute best sporting event known to human kind.....days away from the most hyped event in all of sports that delivers on the hype year in and year out!!!!

March Madness captivates the sporting landscape in North America and this entity, yes, is too big to fail!! 

It's too crazy due to the insane upsets....due to the mere fact that a tiny school in the 'have-not' category such as a South Dakota State or New Mexico State has the OPPORTUNITY to beat a powerhouse like a Kentucky, Duke, UNC or Kansas team.....the "have's". The complete spectrum of the underdog and favorite is spanned every March Madness!

Yes, it is too big to fail, and the biggest fear of the the crack Insanity Report Staff on the 33rd Floor in conference room B of the Insanity Towers is that the NCAA will hang its corporate hat on the corporate notion that business can be run as usual through any formal charge from any formal authority as it garners itself too big to fail. 

The results of this federal investigation may show too much. NCAA, get with the times here! There are so many opportunities to face the music of the reality of college sports to not only thrive but surpass future revenues....in partnership with your product, that is the players. 

Again, this fear will be discussed in more detail, but how bout some Madness folks!?!?!

Stay tuned for the bracket breakdowns but lets look at the variables needed for success in the Madness:

1. Guard play: even since the days of the original Commish days of Kevin Outhet and before his reign, guard play is NEEDED to go deep into the Madness. Albeit traditional point guard play or the new style of slashing scoring guard, a team needs a top notch backcourt to hit San Antonio this year.

2. Veterans: the one and done lottery picks stack many rosters, but the veteran play of North Carolina and Gonzaga carried them through their bracket gauntlets last year to the final. There are years like the 2012 Unibrow Kentucky Wildcats that a freshmen class can win it all, but this year is not a year for that. (ohhhh that is a challenge at ya Duke!) Veteran presence is a must. 

3. Big Shots made: does your team have the marbles to WANT to take the big shots! Like Kris Jenkins did for Villanova in 2016 or Tyus Jones of Duke back in 2015 and even Marcus Paige did for UNC in their 2016 loss to Villanova, the winning team will need a big shot made in one of their 6 wins.

4. Consistency: this is desired, but not needed because zero teams this year displayed consistency!!! So roll that dice and make your picks!

OK folks, there are some house cleaning details such as the 3rd Annual Pete Vieweg Money Division as well as the proposed 1st Annual Duchess Park Baller Division!!! Stay tuned!

Enjoy these last 48 hours of quote-unquote productive work, as come this Thursday, North America productivity will be at a stand still.

The Thursday and Friday of the first round of March Madness must be a stat holiday!! 

Who's with me?!?!?!

Yours in Madness,
Commissioner Adolph 

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