Sunday, March 27, 2016

Coach K Reaction and half of the Final Fo' is Set!

Hey folks, another great Madness night last night! There was some pure Madness with the Kansas v. Villanova game with 2 great great teams going head to head, but before we get to that, here’s an update on the Mike Sheh-publicity-whore-ski situation.

This is a word for word quote of the Insanity Report exchanges regarding the ongoings. Pretty much, Coach K released a statement apologizing for the comments he made to Dillon Brooks and the statement said this:

“Today, I spoke with Oregon head coach Dana Altman and apologized to him for my remarks to Dillon Brooks following our game. It is not my place to talk to another team’s player and doing so took the focus away from the terrific game that Dillon played. In the postgame press conference, I reacted incorrectly to a reporter’s question about my comment to Dillon. Clearly, the story that night was about Oregon advancing to the Elite Eight, and the outstanding game they played. I sincerely hope I did not create a distraction for Coach Altman and his team at this critical time of the year. Certainly, I have the utmost respect for the Oregon program and their tremendous accomplishments.” –Mike Krzyzewski, Duke University Head Coach and United States National Team Coach”

There is it! Here is the convo by the Insanity Report Staff on the 33rd floor of the Insanity Tower in Conference Room B:

J-Dawg: “Love how he throws in ‘and Head Coach of USA National Team’. You ‘reacted incorrectly’? Or as everyone else calls it, you lied.”

Paulsen: “I know hey, way to say sorry but not that sorry”

J-Dawg: “You stop being a distraction by stopping press releases about it. We don’t need to hear from you anymore. You aren’t in the tournament.”

Paulsen: “I agree, just let it go K. Talk about being salty.”

J-Dawg: “Oh and Mike, you have won 5 National Championships in 36 years at Duke. Amazing accomplishment. If Roy gets this thing across the finish line this year, he will have won 3 National Championships in 13 years at North Carolina. FU!!

Adolph: (still silent, but enter fist pump)

Tom Williamson: (still silent, but shakes head)

Paulsen: “I sure think UNC has reached another level now. They will be so hard to beat.”

J-Dawg: “You see that Coach K’s way of making sure his name and Duke was mentioned today even though they aren’t playing.”

Paulsen: “Ya, that drives me nuts about Coach K. You wanna call out another teams player publicly, deny saying it, get busted, half apologize, then have everyone in the media kiss your ass for the day?!?!? Stay classy Coach K!”

Insanity Report Staff in Conference Room B (except for Tom Williamson)): They all turn at Paulsen and give him another head nod and fist pump.

T-Smack: “Agree about Coach K, Dana Altman (Oregon Head Coach) deserves the smack down from someone (Bill Self (KU Head Coach) anyone? Coach Self knows how to put idiot players in place. Brooks would be publicly paddled if Self was his Coach). Altman et al. aren’t used to winning enough, so haven’t learned how to behave when doing so. Disappointed in both coaches there.”

Kris Russell: “Truth. If Altman said that garbage to Grayson Allen he would have flipped. Coach your own guys and take the loss.”
Who Dana Altman? Dat who!
(Credit: The Oregonian)

Tom Williamson: “Who the fuck is Dana Altman?”   

T-Smack: “Best comment, right there”

Amazing job Insanity Crew….pretty much sums up the whole topic. Other aspect is Coach was damned if he apologized and damned if he didn’t. Bottom line is that Coach K is a freaking legend. Period. But with sticking his nose in Dillon’s and Oregon face and having a perceived “sorry-not sorry” attention-grabbing press release does nothing for the Duke-elitist stereotype that is out there. It’s fuel for Duke haters, but also Coach K may have felt he had to release this statement to counteract getting caught from his conflicting press conference remarks about the incident. So he covered his ass. Onto the games…

Buddy Ball!!! (Credit:
Oklahoma v. Oregon was just another Buddy Show! Buddy was unconscious and Oregon got exposed that they didn’t make any adjustments. From the first 5 minutes where Buddy was some ungodly percentage of 20 for his first 21 shots, Oregon still had a soft switch onto Buddy and never double teamed Buddy. Oregon….Dana Altman… have zero defenders who could face guard Buddy and so you don’t double or triple team him nearly as much as you should have? Oregon: exposed!

Also, Dillon Brooks was a different player vs. Oklahoma then he was vs. Duke. Did the whole Coach K situation actually affect him? Only he can answer that question, but he was a different player last night.

Perry Ellis wearing double teams all game!
(Credit: Topeka Capital-Journal
KU vs. Villanova was just a heavyweight tilt of head to head action…possession by possession battle!!! Villanova won and it was due to their execution of their defensive game plan on KU’s Perry Ellis. Ellis is the heart and soul, as well as main focus offensively for KU. Villanova put 2 defenders on Ellis so fast as he was wearing Nova double teams like a bad tattoo. That happened all game and KU’s Bill Self tried to make adjustment in the 2nd half, as Ellis grinded and grinded to no avail. Nova forced Ellis to have a Buddy Hield type game, and that has never been Ellis’ M.O in his whole career.

But gaw damn, this was a possession by possession battle! Nova’s Daniel Ochefu had old school post moves reminiscent of a young Chris Foucher! He dominated the paint offensively which even surprised the Insanity Report Staff as we thought that match up was KU’s to win.

Nova freshman PG, Jalen Brunson made some key shots for a froshie. Big ups there.

Guard, Ryan Arcidiacono deserved credit as a solid senior clutch player for Nova but hot damn, his soccer head bobs trying to draw fouls is as bad as Grayson Allen’s but no where nearly as ‘soccer’ as a young Drew Dunfield.

Felling bad for KU and their seniors but Villanova deserved the W and their Final 4 match vs. Oklahoma will be some more heavyweight-fighter type Madness. They will have to game plan on Buddy Hield like they did on Perry Ellis but Buddy WILL get his points. This will be a great match up next Saturday.

Today’s game will finalize the Final Fo! Lets get some more Madness!

Yours in Madness,

Commissioner Adolph

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