Thursday, April 6, 2017

Madness in the Truest Sense

The right team won on Monday....even with obvious incompetent reffing (Photo credit:
It’s 2 days after the conclusion of another insane wild roller coaster March Madness, and these 2 days were needed to digest the North Carolina v. Gonzaga final.

The game had 2 great elite teams, in what normally would be considered a blue blood program in North Carolina playing the ultimate mid-major Cinderella team in Gonzaga. I’ll stop you right there and declare Gonzaga a national powerhouse program.

Anyhoo, the game had pure Madness. There were 2 ‘national powerhouse’ teams that struggled and grinded the whole game despite performances that weren’t top performances.

Gonzaga’s Przemek Karnowski struggled mightily missing many 2-footers from the post. UNC’s Jr. PG Joel Berry was jacking erratic treys. The Zags All-American PG Nigel Williams-Boss was missing many drives through the lane.

Joel Berry came into the game with 2 sprained ankles, while Nigel Williams-Goss had to deal with the last few minutes hobbling on a sprained ankle that caused an obvious limp, but there was zero ways he was going to come out of the game.

Both teams had runs on offense to take slight leads and also stuffed the other team to struggle offensively due to suffocating defending.

But what the game also had was referee madness! All subsequent reports as well as conversations with Insanity Report participants was that the game “HAD NO FLOW”!  This was all due to the incompetent reffing that went on the entire game, but especially in the 2nd half.

Before I go any further, I will go on record saying that no bad ref or bad ref call has ever won or lost a game for any team. This may seem like a bold statement to many as one may think back to many controversial calls in games past But as crucial a call may be late in the game doesn’t negate the hundreds of decisions both teams make during the game that affect their outcome more than one or two controversial calls. Moreover, despite a controversial call that may very well be a wrong call, the supposed victimizing team still has a chance to make a stop or a hoop, whatever is needed to negate that call. The control is always with both teams.


The refs made horrible call after horrible call led by the fouls on Gonzaga’s freshman big man, Zach Collins that allowed him to play only 14 minutes and be fouled out late in the game. Collins was by far the most productive player for the Bulldogs on Monday night. Three of his five fouls were absolute phantom calls led by his apparent offensive foul in the 2nd half when he was trying to post up in the paint. The replay showed absolutely zero grounds for a foul, and the ref might as well have voiced to the scorers’ table, “Fouls on #32 blue for posting up!”

I have no idea what that foul was for. So the refs affected Gonzaga’s best player to play limited minutes and miss the crucial final minutes of this barn burner of a national championship.

There was viral photo on social media showing a jump ball where UNC regained possession where UNC Kennedy Meeks’ hand was out of bounds as he was also touching the ball. But later, Gonzaga shot an apparent air ball out of bounds, where the ball was awarded back to Gonzaga as the refs said the ball was partially blocked by UNC. Replay showed that the UNC player didn’t touch the ball.

The horrible reffing went both ways. This can be refer to the common adage that at least the refs sucked both ways.

But their obvious incompetency affected the FLOW of the game as both teams were playing defense on egg shells. They couldn’t afford to foul so they played rarely played zone defenses to try to avoid foul calls.

Once again, the right team won though. UNC made shots such as Isaiah Hicks absolute clutch And-1 in the last minute, and UNC stopped Gonzaga on crucial plays led by Nigel Williams-Goss blocked shot to try to tie the game in the last 30 seconds.

So whats the big deal?

The big deal is that the refs horrible and absolutely incompetent calls led to the absolute anxiety for both Gonzaga and UNC fans. I feel robbed of madness from this officiating incompetency. Of what could have been from both teams if there wasn’t the unnecessary foul trouble on Collins and Meeks.

Both teams struggled mightily from the shear magnitude of a National Championship game, and yet both grinded until the bitter end with Joel Berry’s 21 points on 19 shots and Karnowski’s clutch free throws late in the game and Williams-Goss’ late hoops in the last 2 minutes.

There were many clutch performances and the game as a whole was as exciting as it could be despite the lack of flow. The right team won.


This shouldn’t exonerate the refs their own horrible performance.

But this is the Madness. It’s a Madness where the human element is celebrated of the players and coaches where season long journeys and 4-year journeys are culminated into great March Madness moments due to the intangibles gained from said journeys.

These human elements include buzzer beaters, great comebacks, great choke jobs of all that involved and this includes the referees.

So we got what we always want out of March Madness.

We got a roller coaster 3 weeks of great basketball, and it may be painful to some to admit, this roller coaster does….involve….the refs.

We got our Madness. We got our Insanity. Our straight jackets were torn once again.

All that is left is sadness that it’s over and the immediate anticipation of Midnight Madness in November!

Here’s to the greatest time of the year! Congratulations UNC. Congrats Zags and congrats to all graduating players!

Yours in Madness,

Commissioner Adolph